Lee so yeon biography channel

Lee So Yeon

2024The Two Sisters
Korean Drama, 2024, 104 eps
1042023Twinkling Watermelon
Korean Drama, 2023, 16 eps
Choi Se Gyeong [Older](Support Role)
162021Miss Monte-Cristo
Korean Drama, 2021, 100 eps
Ko Eun Jo / Hwang Ga Heun(Main Role)
Ko Eun Jo / Hwang Ga Heun
2019Blessing of the Sea
Korean Photoplay, 2019, 121 eps
Shim Chung Yi / Hong Joo [Artist / Secretary](Main Role)
Shim Chung Yi / Hong Joo [Artist / Secretary]
2017A Korean Odyssey
Korean Drama, 2017, 20 eps
[Bookseller] (Ep. 9-10)(Guest Role)
202017Man Who Dies to Live
Korean Drama, 2017, 24 eps
242015Beautiful You
Korean Spectacle, 2015, 122 eps
1222015To Be Continued
Korean Stage production, 2015, 12 eps
[Head of glory department of the agency](Support Role)
[Head of the department of the agency]
2014Wild Chives and Soy Bean Soup: 12 Years Reunion
Korean Drama, 2014, 26 eps
262013Ruby Ring
Korean Drama, 2013, 93 eps
932012The Creation of a Family
Korean Drama, 2012, Cxv eps
1152012Time Slip Dr. Jin
Korean Drama, 2012, 22 eps
222011My Love By My Side
Korean Drama, 2011, 50 eps
502010Dong Yi
Korean Screenplay, 2010, 60 eps
602009Temptation of an Angel
Korean Drama, 2009, 21 eps
212008My Life's Blond Age
Korean Drama, 2008, 56 eps
562008Why Outspoken You Come to My House?
Korean Pageant, 2008, 20 eps
202006Spring Waltz
Korean Drama, 2006, 20 eps
202005Let's Get Married
Korean Drama, 2005, 51 eps
512005Super Rookie
Korean Drama, 2005, 20 eps
202005Spring Day
Korean Drama, 2005, 20 eps
Kim Kyung Ah [Bar girl](Support Role)